Edward II: His Last Months and Monument

Jill Barlow, Richard Bryant, Carolyn Heighway, Chris Jeens and David Smith


This volume This volume places before the public previously unpublished sources for this fascinating period. The main section is a meticulous analysis of Edward II's monument in Gloucester cathedral detailing its construction and history, illustrated by over 60 prints, measured drawings and photographs. The absence of any documents relating to its construction renders the monument itself a primary source.

The remainder of the volume comprises manuscript sources with commentaries. The archives of Berkeley castle have been thoroughly searched to reveal new facts about the Queen's pursuit of Edward during the invasion of 1326 and his subsequent imprisonment and murder at Berkeley. The Fieschi Letter, on which the legend of Edward's survival into the 1330s is mainly based, is reproduced in facsimile with a new translation and a letter purporting to describe the opening of the tomb in 1855 is published for the first time.

pp. xiv + 130, 67 figures (9 in colour), 2 maps, ISBN 978 0 900197 89 5